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“Government to Provide 3.5 Billion Drams in Financial Aid to 70,000 Artsakh Conflict Victims”

The government has announced that it will allocate 3.5 billion drams from the state budgetary fund for 2023 to provide financial assistance to the 70,000 people affected by the conflict in Artsakh. This assistance includes a monthly payment of 40,000 drams for a period of 6 months for those who have been temporarily displaced, as well as 10,000 drams for the implementation of communal services.

It is important to note that providing social assistance to those affected by the Artsakh conflict requires financial resources, some of which will be provided by the state budget for 2023.

Going forward, the government plans to provide social assistance to over 100,000 city residents who have been affected by the conflict. This assistance will be offered for a period of 6 months, starting from October 2023 and ending in March 2024. The monthly financial assistance will be 40,000 drams for those who are temporarily displaced, and 10,000 drams for the implementation of communal services.

For this purpose, an allocation of 30.0 billion drams will be necessary, covering the period from October 2023 to March 2024. This will ensure that all 100,000 beneficiaries receive the required financial support throughout the 6-month assistance program.

Reporting from Armenia, brings you this update.