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“Controversial Project Aims to Skyrocket Taxi Prices in Yerevan: The Latest Report by ‘Publication’ Newspaper”

The “Publication” newspaper has reported that on the night of December 26, a special project was implemented on the statue located on Yerevan’s main avenue. The project involved the addition of a series of red lines on roundabouts with the aim of drastically increasing taxi service prices by more than 13 times.

Despite objections from members of the City Council, who raised concerns about the lack of public hearings and filed complaints against the project, the Yerevan Municipality dismissed their response.

It is important to note that the authorities in Yerevan do not have a majority in the City Council to approve the project. Therefore, if other forces do not participate in the event, the project will not be implemented and the statue will remain unchanged.

However, if a single city council member is present at the event, it will proceed regardless of their voting stance or position. This “participant” will simply be aiding in the implementation of this controversial change, potentially impacting the lives of Yerevantsis.

For further details, refer to the latest edition of the “Publication” newspaper.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.