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Human Rights

“EU Human Rights Advisor, Marina Kaljurand, in Armenia to Foster Peace Agreement Talks with Azerbaijan”

The President of the Group of Senior Advisors of the European Court of Human Rights, Marina Kaljurand, has arrived in Armenia to discuss the agreements reached between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

“We welcome the announcement made on December 7, 2023, by the Prime Minister’s Office of the Republic of Armenia and the President’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan, which confirms their commitment to regulate the agreements and sign a peace agreement between the two countries,” she wrote.

Armenia and Azerbaijan have made significant progress in their efforts to establish lasting peace between the two nations. The recent announcement from the Armenian and Azerbaijani authorities, affirming their commitment to regulating agreements and signing a peace agreement, is encouraging and marks a new chapter in their relations. Marina Kaljurand, the President of the Group of Senior Advisors of the European Court of Human Rights, has arrived in Armenia to discuss and further support these positive developments.

The declaration made on December 7, 2023, by the Prime Minister’s Office of the Republic of Armenia and the President’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan, demonstrates their sincere desire to resolve the longstanding conflicts and restore stability in the region. This commitment signals a significant step forward in the peace process and highlights the willingness of both countries to work towards a peaceful coexistence.

Marina Kaljurand’s visit to Armenia carries great importance as she holds a key position in the European Court of Human Rights. Her presence reflects the international community’s recognition of the progress made by Armenia and Azerbaijan in their pursuit of peace. Her discussions with Armenian officials will provide valuable insights and guidance, contributing to the development of a comprehensive peace agreement.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.