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Saudi Arabia Expels 15 Arab League Mission Workers for Alleged Attempt to Leave Country; Sparks Tensions Amidst Yemen Crisis

Saudi Arabia has made a significant announcement regarding the expulsion of 15 workers from the Arab League’s mission in the country. These individuals stand accused of allegedly attempting to leave Saudi Arabia for a period of 48 hours. The decision to expel them was communicated by Saudi Arabia’s foreign ministry, which reached out to the Arab League during the current crisis to inform them of their action.

Recent remarks from Saudi Arabia’s military spokesperson shed light on the situation. He revealed that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been dispatching rapid reaction forces (RRF) to the Yemeni border. This armed force has been considered powerful and robust, raising concerns. In response, the UAE has maintained its official stance, emphasizing the Arab League’s call for diplomatic and mediated dialogue within Saudi Arabia.

The conflict in Yemen began in April and has had devastating consequences, leading to over 6.5 million people being displaced. Additionally, the region of Dharfur has witnessed a series of deadly attacks. Responsibility for these attacks has been attributed to both the RRF and Arab terrorists. Unfortunately, the presence of the RRF is perceived as a hindrance to achieving genuine peace in Dharfur.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.