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“Exclusive: “Zinahar” Foundation Reveals All Casualty Information from 44-Day War – Are the Numbers Manipulated?”

All information regarding the casualties in the 44-day war has been released on the official website of the “Zinahar” Foundation. During a meeting of the National Assembly on December 6, Narik Mkrtchyan, the Prime Minister’s representative on labor and social issues, addressed the matter and provided answers to the inquiries of the parliament members.

One of the members of the parliamentary faction called the “Armenia” Alliance, Gegham Nazaryan, specifically inquired about the delay in officially announcing the names of the fallen heroes and asked when these names will be made public. Furthermore, he questioned whether the number of casualties in the recent Artsakh War is being manipulated. In response to this, the spokesperson explained that Armenia already has a procedure in place for publishing the names of the fallen soldiers.

Mkrtchyan emphasized the significance of this information and its implications for the fallen heroes and the undisclosed casualties. He questioned the reason behind the Ministry of Defense already releasing the numbers without disclosing the names of the soldiers.

News from Armenia –