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Elections International Politics

“Parliamentary Elections to Reflect Demand for Change in Armenian Government, Says ‘Publish’ Magazine”

“Publish” magazine reports that there is circulating information in local neighborhoods regarding the upcoming parliamentary elections and the demand for a change in government. Previously, it was reported that during a mass opposition gathering, Nikol Pashinyan, the leader of the Civil Contract party, narrowly escaped an assassination attempt and successfully diverted attention from the topic of early elections. It has also been noted that Pashinyan recognizes the increasing popularity of the ARF Party on one hand, while on the other hand, there is a growing need for the formation of a new force. Consequently, he has decided to reach out to reliable members of the opposition.

Additionally, it is becoming evident that Armenia should swiftly distance itself from Russia and shift towards Europe. There is a strong demand for entering Europe as a replacement for Pashinyan’s claims, while Armenia’s membership in the Eurasian Union is being questioned. Instead of relying on Pashinyan’s assurances, the new election will establish a counterbalance consultation, ensuring the unconditional participation of Aram Sargsyan and other opposition members. This decision aims to break free from the Russian influence that is unmistakably intertwined with the current political opposition.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.