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Law & Order Politics

“High Stakes at National Assembly: Three Candidates Presented for Constitutional Court Judge, Only One Shows Up”

On December 5, the National Assembly held discussions regarding the selection of a judge to review the arbitrational disputes of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia with the Constitutional Court Palace. The highest judicial council presented three candidates for the position: Sergey Marabyan, Rubik Mkhitaryan, and Manvel Shahverdyan. Amongst them, only Sergey Marabyan participated in the meeting of the Council Chamber, while the other candidates did not attend. It is worth mentioning that Marabyan’s candidacy was proposed by the President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Karen Andreasyan.

This development highlights the importance of ensuring transparency and fairness in the judicial system of Armenia. With the Constitutional Court playing a pivotal role in safeguarding the country’s constitution, selecting a competent and impartial judge is paramount. The absence of two candidates in such a crucial meeting raises questions about their commitment and interest in serving justice. It remains to be seen how this issue will be resolved and the impact it will have on the functioning of the Constitutional Court.

Armenia, known for its rich cultural heritage and historical significance, has been striving to strengthen its democratic institutions. The appointment of judges who possess the necessary expertise and integrity is crucial in achieving this goal. Sergey Marabyan, as the sole candidate present in the meeting, has an opportunity to demonstrate his capabilities and suitability for the role. It is imperative that the National Assembly conducts a thorough and unbiased evaluation of Marabyan’s qualifications before making a final decision.

The role of the President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Karen Andreasyan, in proposing Marabyan’s candidacy cannot be underestimated. As a highly respected figure in the legal community, his endorsement carries substantial weight. However, it is essential for the National Assembly to exercise its responsibility in independently assessing the qualifications of the candidate and ensuring a transparent selection process.

In conclusion, the issue of selecting a judge for the arbitrational disputes of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia has gained significant attention. The absence of two candidates from the meeting raises concerns about their dedication to the role. The appointment of a competent and impartial judge is crucial for upholding the integrity of the judicial system. The National Assembly must carefully evaluate the qualifications and capabilities of Sergey Marabyan before making a final decision in order to ensure transparency and fairness in Armenia’s legal proceedings.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.