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“Dilijan National Park Engulfed in Flames: Firefighting Operations Continue as Rescuers Battle the Blaze”

Firefighting operations are currently ongoing at the “Dilijan National Park” POAK. According to the RA MES Rescue Service, a significant portion of the fire that had broken out in various sections of the 3rd department of the park has been brought under control as of December 5.

The operations are being conducted in approximately 12 hectares of land, which includes the territories of the RA MES Yerevan, Tavush, Kotayk, Ararat, Gegharkunik, and Syunik Regional Rescue Departments, along with the Central Rescue Centers. Around 260 rescuers from the “Dilijan National Park” POAK, as well as 35 employees and residents from the surrounding area, are actively participating.

Due to the challenging terrain, the firefighters are utilizing helicopters and fire brigades to approach the fire. They are dispersing water from an altitude of about 1 km above ground to tackle the flames effectively.

The operations involve a total of 32 firefighting units and 9 units of technical equipment from the rescue and firefighting service.

Present at the scene are important personnel including the Head of the Regional Rescue Department NGR PS, the Deputy Head of the Regional Rescuer NGR, the Head of the Fire Department Kamu Tsutsulyan, the Chief Rescuer Egor Karapetyan, and the Head of the Regional Rescue Department Arman Ghevorgyan.

It’s worth noting that the fire outbreak in the 3rd department of the “Dilijan National Park” POAK was first reported on December 4.

Source: News from Armenia –

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.