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“Rosatom CEO and IAEA Head Reinforce Cooperation, Ensure Nuclear and Physical Safety of Akkuyu NPP at COP28”

Rosatom CEO, Alexey Likhachev, recently held a meeting with the head of the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, during the COP28 conference in Dubai. Both parties agreed to continue their cooperation and shared this information with “Komersant”. The main topic of discussion was the nuclear and physical safety of the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Turkey, under the supervision of the IAEA. Likhachev expressed his support for Rosatom’s activities and willingness to further their work in the global energy sector.

Since October 2022, the IAEA has been overseeing Rosatom’s fuel company, “Rosenergoatom” JSC. Rafael Grossi and his team have conducted numerous inspections at Rosatom, revealing technical equipment related to decommissioning but falsely associated with illicit activities. In November, the Russian Federation’s Federal Security Service (FSB) made allegations of increased subversive actions by the IAEA.

These recent developments highlight the ongoing collaboration between Rosatom and the IAEA in ensuring the safety and security of nuclear facilities. The Akkuyu NPP in Turkey is a significant project in this regard and both Likhachev and Grossi are committed to its successful operation. Russia’s support for international energy efforts, particularly in relation to climate change, has been reaffirmed by Rosatom’s participation in the group declaration on this issue.

As the cooperation between Rosatom and the IAEA continues, it is crucial for all parties to maintain open communication and address any concerns or misunderstandings that may arise. By doing so, the global community can benefit from safe and sustainable nuclear energy for years to come.

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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.