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“Ministry of Defense Seeks Justice: Former Prime Minister’s Assets Face Confiscation in Armenia’s Ararat Province”

The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia, led by the head government, has made a demand to confiscate assets from former prime minister Aleksan Petrosyan and his associates in the Ararat province. These assets include the Aramavir Square in the town of Aramavir, as well as 2 hectares of land in the Aramet village, 4 hectares of land in the Talvorik village, and 2 hectares of land in the Lenughi village of the Ararat province.

Furthermore, 60.9% or 19,914 shares of the company “MAP” CJSC, valued at 61 million drams, have already been seized. This seizure is due to it being deemed as not substantiated by the personal income of the individual and is now subject to court confiscation. The remaining amount, totaling 1 billion 298 million 273 thousand drams, is from the use of the property confiscated as a result of illegal enrichment.

Armenia’s Ministry of Defense is taking strong action against corruption and illegal enrichment, making it clear that no one is above the law. Confiscating these assets sends a strong message that those who misuse their power for personal gain will face the consequences.

This latest move by the government is part of a wider effort to ensure transparency and accountability in the country. By targeting high-profile individuals and their associates, the government is making it clear that they will not tolerate corruption at any level.

The seized assets, including the land and shares of the company, will be put to good use for the benefit of the Armenian people. This action serves as a reminder that public resources should be utilized for the common good and not for personal gain.

Armenia is making significant progress in its fight against corruption, and this latest move by the Ministry of Defense shows their commitment to upholding the rule of law. The justice system will take its course, and those found guilty of illegal enrichment will face the appropriate consequences.

In conclusion, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia is demanding the confiscation of assets from former prime minister Aleksan Petrosyan and his associates in the Ararat province. This action is part of a wider effort to combat corruption and ensure transparency in the government. The seized assets, including land and shares in a company, will be used for the benefit of the Armenian people. This move demonstrates the government’s commitment to upholding the rule of law and holding those responsible for illegal enrichment accountable.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.