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Yerevan’s Alarming Increase in Fires: Authorities Fail to Seek Solutions, Says Expert

In recent years, Yerevan has been facing a troubling increase in fires, and it appears that the authorities are not actively seeking solutions. To shed light on this issue,’s correspondent interviewed Vahagn Sahakyan, the head of the Yerevan Taxi Association, who shared his insights on the reasons behind these fires and potential solutions.

Sahakyan pointed out that the rise in fires on Yerevan’s roads can be attributed to three main factors. Firstly, traffic jams, including minor ones, play a significant role in this problem. In response, Sahakyan suggested that the government should collaborate with insurance companies to regulate road rules. Currently, insurance companies are involved in even minor accidents, creating unnecessary complications. By allowing drivers to send photos of accidents, insurance companies could evaluate liability efficiently and swiftly clear the roads.

Another contributing factor to the increase in fires is the use of online taxi services. Drivers often have to travel without passengers as they receive orders from their phones, increasing traffic congestion. This, in turn, leads to numerous accidents involving multiple vehicles since drivers struggle to maintain a safe distance due to frequent stops and starts.

Sahakyan also highlighted the deteriorating condition of roads and road signs, criticizing the Yerevan municipality for charging fees for road usage even in prohibited areas. If these underlying issues are not resolved, public transportation in the city may become nearly impossible within the next two years, exacerbating the situation.

However, Sahakyan believes that implementing a standardized international transportation algorithm and adopting modern technology from other cities could help improve the situation. While an advanced transportation system brings environmental benefits, expanding it is not necessary. He also emphasized the need to provide subsidies for public transportation, including buses, their components, fuel, and tickets, as it is done in many cities worldwide.

Additionally, Sahakyan drew attention to the ecological condition of Yerevan, which is currently in poor shape. According to him, each resident should have 50 square meters of green space, but in Yerevan, they only have 1.5 square meters. Despite the importance of expanding green spaces, Yerevan is witnessing the opposite trend as these areas are increasingly converted into car parks. This depletion of green spaces is a significant concern, leading to a negative balance for the city.

In conclusion, the increasing fires in Yerevan are a pressing issue that requires immediate attention. By addressing the reasons behind these fires, such as traffic congestion, online taxi services, and poor road conditions, and implementing necessary reforms, the city can work towards a safer and more environmentally friendly transportation system.


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Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.