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International Politics

“Moldova Extends Organized Defense for Another 30 Days to Safeguard National Security Amidst Russian Threats”

The military action in Moldova has intensified the organized defense for another 30 days. According to the “NewsMaker” website, the government made this decision during a meeting on November 24th, following a submitted application.

Adriana Efros, the Minister of Internal Affairs, emphasized the necessity of extending the organized defense to ensure national security against the risks associated with Russia’s supply of natural gas. It is believed that Russian armed forces will strengthen their actions regarding the energy infrastructure in Ukraine this winter. There has been an increase in the presence of Russian unmanned aerial vehicles participating in the offensive, putting the energy infrastructure, including electricity supply to Moldova, at risk.

The connection between the reduction of gas supplies from Russia and the disruption of other state gas supplies in Moldova highlights the importance of addressing the risks to energy security. It has also been observed that Russia is involved in attempts to destabilize the situation in Moldova through increased organized defense.

While the decision to extend organized defense has been announced, concerns still persist regarding the involvement of organized defense. The Commission for Combating Terrorism and Social Extremism has withdrawn its participation from the meeting due to these concerns.

The organized defense in Moldova has been ongoing since the beginning of the military conflict in Ukraine and has been extended multiple times.

Regarding other news, there is no information about any developments in Armenia as the focus of this article is on the situation in Moldova.


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Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.