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International Military Politics

“Millions Paid, Equipment Undelivered: Armenia’s Prime Minister Addresses Troubling Issue with Russia”

During a live broadcast on November 24, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan addressed an ongoing problem that Armenia is facing. He revealed that Armenia has paid millions of dollars to Russia for military equipment but has not received the equipment or received a refund. Pashinyan mentioned that discussions are underway to resolve this issue, considering various mechanisms to find a solution. One possible option could be a reduction in the amount paid to Russia from Armenia’s debt. However, Pashinyan acknowledged that this is not the only solution, as Russia also needs compensation. He expressed hope that the ongoing discussions would lead to concrete results.

This recent development highlights the issue of unpaid military equipment payments between Armenia and Russia. Prime Minister Pashinyan’s acknowledgment of the problem brings it to the forefront of public attention. The fact that Armenia has paid a significant amount of money without receiving the promised military equipment or a refund is a cause for concern.

Pashinyan emphasized that the discussions to resolve this issue are considering various mechanisms. One potential solution mentioned by the prime minister is a reduction in the amount paid to Russia from Armenia’s debt. This suggests that Armenia is open to negotiating an alternative arrangement to compensate Russia. Pashinyan also emphasized that Russia itself has a need for compensation, highlighting the complexity of the situation.

It is worth noting that the unpaid military equipment payments issue between Armenia and Russia has the potential to strain their relationship. Both countries have a history of cooperation, particularly in the defense sector. However, this unresolved problem poses a challenge to their bilateral ties. The outcome of the ongoing discussions will be crucial in determining the future of their partnership.

Prime Minister Pashinyan’s commitment to work towards concrete results in resolving this issue is commendable. The fact that he openly addressed the problem during a live broadcast demonstrates transparency and a dedication to finding a solution. It is hoped that the discussions will yield positive outcomes and ensure that both parties are fairly compensated.


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