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“Yerevan’s Armenian Patriarchate Takes Legal Action Against Controversial Appointment in Jerusalem”

Yerevan’s Armenian Patriarchate recently announced the appointment of Aghan Gogchyan as the legal representative for the Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem. The appointment came after a legal announcement was made regarding the transfer of the Armenian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem to the custody of Dani Rothman. The announcement, made on November 6, 2023, was sent in a letter from the lawyers of Clagsbald to Arnon, a representative of the company. However, Ynet, one of Israel’s major news outlets, published a critical article about this legal letter.

In response to the article, members of the Armenian community reached out to the editor expressing their dissatisfaction with the one-sided nature of the piece and the lack of balance in its content. The publication had not contacted the Patriarchate to confirm or dismiss the legal announcements. As a result, the article was edited and all references to the legal announcements were removed. Rothman, who has been granted a construction permit, expressed gratitude in the same section where the Patriarchate was called for an interview.

The Armenian Patriarchate of Jerusalem has now announced that the legal announcements regarding the appointment of Patriarch Boghos Bagozaryan are null and void. They also stated that Dani Rothman is committed to restoring contact with the Armenian Patriarchate. Despite several attempts, however, Patriarch Rothman has not changed his position or communicated with them. Gogchyan, in a statement on his Facebook page, revealed that a lawsuit is being prepared against Rothman to restore the good name of the Patriarchate. This information was provided by Archbishop Aghan Gogchyan of Yerevan’s Armenian Patriarchate.

This is the latest news from Armenia, as reported by


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