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Armenia’s Absence in CSTO and EAEU Negotiations Raises Concerns for National Security

Armenia’s absence from the negotiations of the CSTO and the EAEU is raising questions about its membership in the expert council. Arman Rustamyan, the representative of the “Armenia” faction, expressed his concerns during a press conference at the National Assembly. He emphasized that it is not just about replacing one ally with another, but rather about transforming the battle lines at a time when Russia and Turkey are in confrontation. This could have catastrophic consequences for Armenia. Rustamyan urged Armenia to find a balance in the international arena and not become a victim of these forces.

Rustamyan highlighted that the global system is disintegrating, and those who are stronger impose their will on others. It is crucial for Armenia to avoid being dragged into this power struggle. He emphasized that Armenia has never been in a situation where they would receive assistance from Russia or any other place, but the current circumstances are different due to the conflicting interests of Russia and Turkey.

Rustamyan asserted that Armenia should not force Russia to become an enemy if they have not been a good ally. He acknowledged that while Russia may not want to harm Armenia, they aim to come out victorious in the confrontation. Therefore, it is essential for Armenia to maintain a balanced position to avoid becoming collateral damage in this geopolitical game.

These remarks came in response to concerns about whether Russia would attempt to harm Armenia under the current circumstances. Rustamyan compared the situation to cutting down a forest, where the chips fly everywhere. He emphasized the need for Armenia to avoid being in the position of these “chips” and to strive for a balanced approach that protects its interests.

The challenges facing Armenia highlight the importance of finding a delicate equilibrium in the international arena. As the global system undergoes significant changes, it is crucial for Armenia to navigate its geopolitical relationships wisely to safeguard its security and national interests.


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