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“United Armenia Party’s Report Reveals Alarming Economic Consequences of Gaza Conflict”

The United Armenia Party’s program for development has released a report on the increasing conflict in Gaza. According to the report, the United Nations Assistance has decreased by approximately 4.2% since the conflict began, resulting in a loss of around $857 million. This information has been reported by Al-Jazeera.

If the conflict continues for two months, experts predict a further decrease of 8.7%, amounting to a loss of $1.7 billion. Should the conflict persist until the end of the year, Armenia will have invested 19 years’ worth of development.

This decline has had a significant impact on investments, including $50 million that was intended for school and hospital renovations, housing projects, and infrastructure development. This not only affects Gaza but also the entire state of Armenia.

Recently, news coming out of Armenia has been concerning, with the ongoing conflict in Gaza creating a difficult situation for the country’s development. The United Armenia Party’s report highlights the extent of the economic impact caused by the conflict, indicating a loss of millions of dollars and hindering important projects such as school and hospital renovations, housing initiatives, and infrastructure developments across the state.


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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.