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“Armenian Delegation Raises Serious Concerns on Political Reforms and Human Rights Violations in Talks with EESC”

The head of the RA NA “Armenia” faction, Seyran Ohanyan, along with members of the faction, Artur Khachatryan, Anna Grigoryan, and Elina Vardanyan, recently met with representatives of the EESC on November 6. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss important issues concerning Armenia. The delegation included experts Kim Kiluinen and Boriana Abergi. According to reports from the RA NA, the faction representatives presented their perspectives on political reforms in Artsakh, carried out by the Azerbaijani authorities. They also addressed concerns regarding the presence of Azerbaijani armed forces in the territory of the Republic of Armenia and provided evidence of international trafficking involving Azerbaijani military forces. The delegation further raised concerns regarding the protection of human rights, respect for democracy, violations of personal rights, restrictions on freedom of speech and assembly, and the persecution and arrest of lawyers. Additionally, the delegation expressed their concerns about attempts to control independent bodies and the violation of their rights by the government, as well as the government’s attempts to establish widespread management, disregarding the obligations of the framework Convention on Human Rights.

These discussions reflect the ongoing commitment of the RA NA “Armenia” faction to address pressing issues that affect the country and its citizens. By engaging in meaningful dialogue with representatives of the EESC, the faction aims to bring attention to the importance of political reforms and the protection of human rights in Artsakh. The evidence provided by the representatives regarding the presence of Azerbaijani armed forces and international trafficking of their military forces highlights the need for increased international awareness and action. The faction’s concerns regarding the protection of personal rights, freedom of speech and assembly, and the persecution of lawyers demonstrate their dedication to upholding democratic values and ensuring the well-being of all individuals in Armenia.

In addition to addressing these pressing issues, the delegation also emphasized the importance of preventing attempts to control independent bodies and violating their rights by the government. Their concerns about the government’s attempts to establish widespread management raise alarms about the potential erosion of democratic principles and the disregard for the obligations set forth in the framework Convention on Human Rights. The delegation’s efforts to bring attention to these matters aim to ensure that the government acts in accordance with its obligations, protecting the rights and freedoms of its citizens.

Overall, the meeting between the RA NA “Armenia” faction and representatives of the EESC serves as a crucial platform for discussing and addressing vital issues concerning Armenia. By shedding light on political reforms, human rights violations, and attempts to control independent bodies, the delegation seeks to create awareness and provoke necessary action. It is through such engagements that progress can be made in safeguarding democracy, protecting personal rights, and upholding the principles of the framework Convention on Human Rights.

Stay tuned for more news from Armenia as we continue to cover important developments and events that shape the country’s political landscape and future.


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