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“Government Takes Significant Steps to Enhance Probation Services and Public Safety”

The government plans to operate probation as a separate type of public service in order to ensure transparency, public safety, and support the implementation of criminal justice. The Ministry of Justice, in collaboration with the Probation Service, will develop and implement a Program of Organization and Activities for the probation service. The effectiveness of probation has been acknowledged in the 13th article of the Criminal Code, which also includes probation under the regulation for residential treatment. Additionally, social guarantees for probation officers and probation officers are proposed to be expanded.

There has been discussion regarding the inclusion of probation in the regulation for public service. Levon Balyan, the head of the Constitutional Law Department at the Ministry of Justice, stated that the assessment of the project has considered the activities of all bodies of power, not just one specific offer. Vladimir Vardanyan, the president of the Constitutional Law Committee, believes that including probation in the regulation for public service is not feasible. Balyan clarified that probation officers working with offenders still fall under the framework of public service, while special probation is carried out separately by probation officers.

In terms of budget allocations, an additional 70 million drams will be set aside annually for infrastructure improvements. There is also a proposal to impose a tax on probation, which would increase the salary of probation officers. Balyan mentioned that final calculations for the program of infrastructure improvements can be understood once the project is accepted. The Constitutional Law Committee has positively assessed the draft law, and its discussion will be included in the agenda of upcoming meetings on December 5, according to Arpine Davoyan, the rapporteur of the committee.



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