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Around the Globle

“France Faces Alarming Surge: Over 1,100 Terrorist Activities and 490 Deaths in One Month, Interior Minister Reports”

The number of terrorist activities in France has seen a significant surge in recent weeks, with over 1,100 incidents reported just in the past month alone. These alarming figures were disclosed by France’s Interior Minister, Gérald Darmanin, during an interview with Sud Radio. He stated that the tally of terrorist acts has surpassed 1,000, signaling a somber milestone since October 7. Furthermore, the number of deaths resulting from these acts has surpassed 490, leaving behind a grim trail of tragedy and devastation.

Highlighting the severity of the situation, Laurent Nuñez, the Chief Prosecutor of Paris, and its surrounding areas, reported a staggering 257 cases of terrorism registered on November 5 alone. This number exposes the alarming frequency at which these acts are occurring within the capital city.

Recent days have also witnessed the mobilization of support activities for Palestinians across various cities in France, predominantly starting from the southern regions. However, these demonstrations have faced fierce opposition from French authorities. It remains to be seen how this tense situation will further unfold and if any measures will be taken to mitigate the escalating terrorist threat.

As developments continue to unfold, our team at News from Armenia will remain committed to delivering the latest updates and providing informed analysis on the evolving situation in France and beyond.


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