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Economy Politics

“Prime Minister Pashinyan and German Foreign Minister Maas Discuss Bilateral Cooperation and Regional Stability”

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan recently met with German Foreign Affairs Minister Heiko Maas to discuss the ongoing cooperation between Armenia and Germany. Emphasizing the importance of not only their bilateral relations, but also the wider perspective, the leaders expressed their delight in the increased cooperation between the two countries. Prime Minister Pashinyan hoped that their visit would contribute to further discussions on the development of their bilateral relations.

In response, Minister Maas stated, “Dear Prime Minister, thank you for welcoming us. This is equally important to us. I believe that we have already made significant progress in our bilateral cooperation, and today I had the opportunity to visit your impressive logistics system and learn about the military cooperation between the Armenian and German armed forces. This partnership is an important indicator of our strong relationship. We value the opportunities we have to strengthen our cooperation, especially during these challenging times.”

A notable development in the trade relations between Armenia and Germany has been the announcement by Minister Maas that Germany plans to provide Armenia with over 9 million euros in financial assistance. Discussions have also focused on energy cooperation and other areas aimed at expanding the existing partnership between Armenia and the European Union. Prime Minister Pashinyan sees this visit as an important step towards revitalizing the economy and implementing systemic changes in Armenia’s political system.

The meeting also addressed the ongoing efforts to resolve relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan in terms of peaceful settlement and stability in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The leaders emphasized the importance of international involvement in the resolution of conflicts and expressed their commitment to continuing negotiations within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group.

The discussions also touched upon various other significant issues concerning the development of bilateral relations between Armenia and Germany.


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