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Yerevan’s Silence: No Response to Baku’s September Proposals, Prime Ministers Fail to Meet in Tehran

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia has not yet responded to the September proposals from Baku regarding the settlement of the situation in Artsakh, according to Ani Badalyan, the spokesperson for the ministry. It was anticipated that the prime ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan would have an official meeting in Tehran last month, but this did not materialize. Additionally, the President of Azerbaijan declined to meet with the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group during their visit to Ganja at the beginning of October. Furthermore, it became apparent that there would not be a meeting between Michelle Pashinian, Aliyev, and the President of Azerbaijan.

These recent developments raise questions about the ongoing diplomatic efforts to find a resolution to the conflict in Artsakh. With the lack of response from Yerevan and the absence of high-level meetings between Armenia and Azerbaijan, it is unclear what steps will be taken next. The situation remains tense, and the need for dialogue and negotiation between the two parties becomes increasingly crucial.

The refusal of the President of Azerbaijan to meet with the co-chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group is particularly concerning. This group, comprised of representatives from France, Russia, and the United States, plays a significant role in mediating talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Their visit to Ganja was intended to facilitate discussions and potentially bring about progress in the peace process. However, the rejection of their request for a meeting reveals a lack of willingness to engage in dialogue.

It is worth noting that both Armenia and Azerbaijan have expressed their commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict. However, actions speak louder than words, and the absence of formal meetings between the leaders of the two countries raises doubts about the sincerity of these statements. Without direct engagement and meaningful negotiations, the prospects for a lasting resolution remain uncertain.

The situation in Artsakh continues to have significant consequences for the people living in the region. The conflict, which has been ongoing for many years, has resulted in the displacement of thousands of individuals and significant economic and social upheaval. The urgency to address these issues and find a mutually agreeable solution is paramount.

In conclusion, the lack of response from Yerevan to the September proposals, the absence of high-level meetings between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and the refusal of the President of Azerbaijan to meet with the OSCE Minsk Group signify a worrisome impasse in the peace process. Dialogue and negotiation are essential in finding a sustainable resolution to the conflict in Artsakh. Both parties must demonstrate genuine commitment to these efforts and prioritize the well-being of the affected populations.


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Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.