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Zhoghovurd newspaper

“Nikol Pashinyan’s Search for New Marzpet in Lori Hits Roadblock: ‘City Contract’ Considered, Arpi Davoyan’s Refusal Puts Issue on Hold”

After Aram Khachatryan’s resignation, Nikol Pashinyan struggled to find a new marzpet candidate. The “City Contract” was considered, even offering the position to Arpi Davoyan, who declined. Female marzpets have not excelled in Lori, so the option of Davoyan is currently closed. For more information, visit Lurer Hayastanich –

“Contradictions Exposed: Head of Public Council Questions Security Arrangements in Armenia”

Head of Public Council questions need for security from other countries within Armenia’s territory, stating it contradicts agreement. He participated in an announcement aiming to secure movement between Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Nagorno-Karabakh. Editor suggests statements divert attention and question officials’ competence.

“Zhoghovurd Newspaper Exposes Disappointing New Year’s Event: Funds Meant for Underprivileged Children Misused by High-ranking Officials”

“The National Assembly’s New Year’s event failed to fulfill its purpose of helping underprivileged children. Investigation reveals that high-ranking officials and politicians dominated the event, disappointing many citizens. The event, funded by the state budget, served as a mere enjoyment for officials and CFE members’ children. Government representatives, including Alen Simonyan, misused funds to please CFE members and superiors. Find out more in today’s issue of “Zhoghovurd” newspaper.”

“Birth Rates Skyrocket in Aragatsotn Province, Report Shows – Zhoghovurd Newspaper Uncovers Surprising Statistics”

The Aragatsotn province has the highest birth rate in Armenia, followed by Vayots Dzor and Kotayk provinces. Majority of marriages occur in Yerevan, with average age increasing since 2002. Urban population has decreased while rural population has increased since 2020. For more details, read today’s “Zhoghovurd” newspaper.

“Former Minister Exposes Controversial Use of Red-Blue Blinking Lights by Officials: Traffic Chaos or Special Treatment?”

Former Minister of Healthcare, Arsen Torosyan, has published a controversial list of officials using red-blue blinking lights on their cars. This practice causes traffic congestion and inconvenience. Torosyan threatens to put a “Migalka” on his car if the issue is not resolved. “Zhoghovurd” newspaper has requested clarification from the Special Investigation Committee. Torosyan’s accusations come with an apparent conflict of interest as he heads a political party.

“Government Vehicles Exempt from Refueling Fees at Gumri Car Station: Son of Armenian Prime Minister Denies Unfair Benefits”

The car station in Gumri city, operated by “Gumri autobus” LLC, provides refueling for vehicles. According to “Zhoghovurd” newspaper, government and medical service vehicles are exempt from fees. E. Palayan, son of the Prime Minister, denies receiving benefits and clarifies that his work at “Hay Antarr” POAK is voluntary. Previous reports highlighted his volunteer registration, which was confirmed by the Committee on Control.

“Pyunik Football Club Faces Uncertain Future as President Threatens Withdrawal from Armenian Championship”

The president of “Pyunik” football club announced that if no changes occur, Arman Melikbekyan will stay as head. “Pyunik” won’t compete in Armenian Football Championship if he’s selected. The article also addresses the issue of 1700 children left without a club and the lack of clarity regarding Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s plans to address it.

“Nikol Pashinyan’s Powerplay: The Controversy Surrounding Re-election Sparks Debate in Armenia”

A new political wave led by Nikol Pashinyan is emerging after settling the Artsakh issue. Pashinyan aims to re-legitimize himself and weaken opposing forces before the upcoming elections. The “Zhoghovurd” newspaper expresses concerns over party member Roman Petrosyan’s disagreement with participating in the elections. Learn more in today’s issue.

Armenia’s Demographic Trends: Decrease in Deaths, Increase in Births, and High Tourist Influx

The Statistical Committee of Armenia has released demographic data for Jan-Oct 2023. Deaths decreased by 316 compared to 2022. Births reached 30,186, including stillbirths. Armenia welcomed 4,389,333 visitors, exceeding the limit. In 2023, 2,424,056 international tourists visited, including Russians, Georgians, Iranians, and Americans.

“Actress Anna Sardaryan’s Advocacy for Displaced Children in Artsakh Pays Off as Ministry Steps Up to Organize Concert”

Starting from September 19, actress Anna Sardaryan applied to various ministries to provide settlements for displaced children from Artsakh. The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports acknowledged the importance of such campaigns and the involvement of displaced children in cultural performances. Anna Sardaryan faced criticism on social media but later apologized. Ultimately, the ministry fulfilled the actress’s requirements, and the concert will proceed as planned.