
The perfect balance on news and information


Breaking News Politics World News

“Casualties Soar to 153 as Afghanistan Struggles to Aid Victims Amidst Protests”

Protests in Afghanistan escalate with 153 casualties and 138 injured, causing chaos in Bangalan, Tahrar, and Badakhshan provinces. The government vows to provide assistance as over 100 people are in critical condition. Aid and transportation face challenges due to inaccessible areas.


“Violence Erupts in Armenia as Government Faces Criticism for Security Measures”

Acts of violence occurred in Armenia, disguised as measures to ensure public safety. Military officials expressed concerns about government representatives’ safety during discussions on conflict escalation. Many doubt the effectiveness and fear growing protests, especially regarding war prisoners. The situation is unpredictable, and diplomacy fails, with the power in the hands of the people. Aliyev’s announcement of war prisoners’ return raises concerns about the rights of Armenians in Azerbaijan and Artsakh.

Human Rights World News

Belgian Foreign Minister Haja Lahbib Calls for Action on 109th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide

Belgian Foreign Minister Haja Lahbib urges remembrance of 109th anniversary of Armenian Genocide, emphasizing the need to fight against violence and genocide.

Religion World News

“Armenian Church Condemns Violence and Violation of Clergy Rights Amidst Tavush Developments”

Armenian Church, with representatives of RA authorities, expresses concern and condemns violence against clergy in Tavush. Calls for end to insecurity and hostility in society.

Military Politics World News

“Middle East in Flames: Israel Launches Air Strikes on Hezbollah Strongholds, Tension Mounts as World Holds Breath”

Violence erupts in the Middle East as Israel launches airstrikes near Hezbollah in Lebanon. Casualties unknown, tension peaks as all eyes turn to Iran’s response. #MiddleEastConflict #IsraelLebanon

Government National Politics

“Spokesperson for ‘Armenia’ bloc exposes lack of legitimacy and failures of Pashinyan’s leadership”

The leadership of Nikol Pashinyan lacks legitimacy due to his ascent through violence, fake elections, and false promises. Areg Manukyan highlights the failure to prioritize the “Civil Agreement” and the deterioration of our country’s security and overall welfare. Pashinyan’s actions have damaged Armenia’s interests, emphasizing the need for his removal from power to ensure security and the self-determination of the people of Artsakh.

Around the Globle

Government Approves Procedure to Assist Children Affected by Violence and in Need of Protection

The government approved a procedure for helping children affected by violence or in need of support. Trained specialists will evaluate each case and provide tailored interventions. The aim is to ensure the child’s socialization, prevent secondary victimization, and address educational difficulties. Regional administrations, the Municipality of Yerevan, and NGOs will be involved. The Prime Minister emphasizes minimizing hardships for children and government intervention when necessary, guided by the child’s best interest. Realistic standards should be followed for the child’s maximum welfare.

Around the Globle

Tensions Escalate: Deterioration of Armenia-Russia Relations Could Lead to Violence, Warns Deputy Head of “Hayk” Initiative

“The deteriorating Armenia-Russia relations may escalate into violence, warns Avetik Chalabyan from the “Hayk” initiative. Armenia’s economic dependence on Russia could lead to severe consequences, including the suspension of free visa regime and economic strangulation. Chalabyan also highlights the risks to Armenia’s entry into the Eurasian Union and the threat posed by Russia to national security. Liberalizing the visa regime with the EU comes with a significant cost – the lives of people in Tavush villages.”

Around the Globle

UN Security Council Discusses Implementation of “International Support to Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Victims” Program amidst Concerns over Violence and Russian Actions

The United Nations Security Council is discussing the “International Support to the People affected by the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict” program. Recent military actions between Armenia and Azerbaijan highlight the futility of violence. The Russian military’s failure to protect civilians in Artsakh is criticized. The Armenian Genocide of 1915-1923 is brought up, with 34 countries recognizing it. The United Nations’ historical neutrality perpetuates the trauma of the Armenian nation.

Crime International Politics

“Mexican President Condemns Violent Act as Ayotzinapa Students Create Chaos at Presidential Palace”

Mexican president condemns violence by students, who vandalize presidential palace. Protests demand meeting with president to discuss unresolved disappearance of 43 students in 2014. Authorities implicated.