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United Arab Emirates

Business Government

“Gagik Papoyan, Head of the Economy, to Attend Key Trade Meeting in Abu Dhabi”

Gagik Papoyan, the head of the Economy, will visit Abu Dhabi on May 20-22 for the trade and technical cooperation committee meeting between Armenia and the United Arab Emirates. Ministry of Economy shared this info with

Around the Globle

“Uncovering the Secrets of Al-Sinya Island: Archeologists Discover Ancient Artifacts and Submerged City in the UAE”

Discover the fascinating history of the UAE through recent archaeological finds in Al-Sinya island. Excavations have revealed a 1600-year-old city, earlier than expected. Artifacts and inscriptions offer intriguing clues about a submerged city. Conservation efforts and underwater surveys are helping protect this unique cultural heritage. Explore further excavations in Deir as-Sinia.

International Politics World News

“Arab League Ambassador and Israeli Former Prime Minister Hold Historic Meeting to Discuss Regional Developments and Peace Talks”

Arab League ambassador discusses regional developments with former Israeli prime minister and emphasizes importance of Israel-Palestine negotiations for peace.

“Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan to Sign Landmark Contract for Goods with United Arab Emirates: Boosting Trade Relations”

Armenian President signs contract for goods order from United Arab Emirates, as per National Assembly Regulations. Reception of the contract will take place during the visit of the President of the National Assembly, from January 13 to 17, 2024. Transparency of expenses and information provision are ensured as per State budget.

“Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan Embarks on Productive Visit to Dubai Alongside Minister Robert Kocharyan: Promising Prospects for Armenia’s Technological Industry Await!”

Armenia’s PM Pashinyan visits Dubai with Minister Kocharyan, attending Dubai Airshow 2023. Follow-up discussion planned to assess visit’s outcomes.