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temporary housing

Around the Globle

Government Approves Implementation of State Program for Temporary Housing of Families Displaced from Artsakh

The government approved the implementation process of the state program for temporary housing of families displaced from Artsakh during their last meeting. The program includes acquiring apartments for these families, starting from June 14. The online application process for potential beneficiaries has already begun. The program will be implemented in three stages, involving the acquisition of apartments, construction of housing, and mortgage loan support. The program is open to families with Armenian citizenship, and any issues or complaints can be addressed to the Ministry’s page in writing.

Government Boosts Social Assistance: Over 100,000 Yerevan Residents to Benefit from Increased Funding

The government has decided to increase social assistance for Work and Social issues in Yerevan. Over 100,000 residents will receive monthly financial aid for housing and communal services. The total funds received will amount to 2,075,000,000 drams. Additional support will be provided for approximately 37,000 individuals. New applications can be submitted for approval. Read more on