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Status of Servicemen

“National Assembly Continues Agenda with Amendments to Military Service Law and Civil Conscription Agreement Draft”

The National Assembly discussed amendments to the Law on Military Service and the Status of Servicemen. If accepted, individuals aged 27 or more, exempted from military service, can serve through unpaid work or by paying a fee. Failure to serve necessitates a payment of 15 million drams. The draft also allows those who haven’t completed the 27-year military service requirement to serve and be exempted. The government must review existing provisions. Exemptions from service should also apply to those serving in other countries.

“Major Changes to Military Service Draft Announced: Increased Allowance, New Age Limits, and Discount Offers”

The daily allowance for military service has increased and individuals over 27 can complete service. Options include serving for 12 months for 2.5 million drams, 6 months for 5 million drams, 1 month for 10 million drams, or paying 15 million drams to be exempt. The proposal includes reducing the monthly salary to 8 million drams and increasing the age limit to 45. A discount of 2 million drams may encourage citizens to return. This amendment aims to utilize military experience gained during service.