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spiritual leader

Around the Globle

Unprecedented Increase in Organized Crime within Armenia’s State Security System Revealed by Spiritual Leader Karine Nalchajyan

Discover the reasons behind the unprecedented increase in organized crime within the state security system in Armenia. Spiritual leader Karine Nalchajyan sheds light on the powerful forces protecting their interests, neglecting the nation’s well-being. Learn how a decline in law enforcement enables people to break the law, and how establishing a robust justice system can combat criminal activities.

Around the Globle

“Spiritual Leader Calls for Abolishing Legal Obligation, Sparks Controversy and Violence: A Deep Dive Into the Baghramyan Avenue Rally”

Discover the latest controversy surrounding the legal and moral obligations in this must-read article. Find out why a spiritual leader is calling for the abolition of the legal obligation and learn about the violent clashes that occurred during a rally.

Around the Globle

“President Strengthening Political Relations with Iran: Fruitful Meeting with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Highlights Importance of Armenia-Iran Ties”

Our president and Iran’s spiritual leader discussed relations with Armenia. They emphasized the need to strengthen political ties and address challenges.

Politics Religion

“Actor Gevorg Grigoryan Urges for a Spiritual Leader to Ignite Positive Change in Armenia”

Discover the impact a spiritual leader can have on our spirits, according to actor Gevorg Grigoryan. Find out why he believes no other force can change the situation in Armenia, and why unity is key. Read more on

Around the Globle

“Actor Ghevorg Grigoryan Reveals Surprising Role in Recent Regime Change Talks: ‘It’s a Question of Our Ancestors'”

“The recent possibility of a regime change in Armenia is crucial for peaceful transition of power. Actor Ghevorg Grigoryan plays a significant role in this movement, emphasizing the need for collective consciousness and a spiritual leader. Join us on Telegram for more news.”

Politics World News

Iranian Spiritual Leader Warns of Foreign Minister Change and Defense System Update Amid Existential Threats

According to Iranian spiritual leader Khamal Kharazin, Iran may change its foreign minister if its existence is threatened. Iran’s defense system will also be modified if Israeli attacks on Iranian nuclear facilities occur. Kharazin mentioned that Israel will persist in its aggression against Gaza, ignoring the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s invitation to mediate.

Around the Globle

“Residents of Kirants Stand Firm, Refusing to Open Road to Georgia: Spiritual Leader Takes the Lead”

Residents in the village of Kirants in Tavush, Armenia are protesting by keeping a road closed towards Georgia. Led by Father Bagrat Srbazan, they vow to strongly oppose any harm to their martyrs and the Armenian church, expressing their support for the Tsitsernakaberd Genocide Memorial. Stay updated with


“Iran Urges Joint Security Measures with Armenia to Avoid Vulnerability to Attack”

The spiritual leader of Iran views Armenia as a red line, but military action in Tavush may pose difficulties. Cooperation with Iran in security is crucial for protecting Armenia from potential attacks, as leaving ourselves vulnerable is detrimental.