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special operation

Crime Politics

“Russian Citizenship Takes Migrants from Soldier to Participant: Investigative Committee Announces Special Operation”

Head of Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, announced that around 10k migrants who obtained Russian citizenship are now part of a special operation. Bastrykin stated that they have implemented measures to prevent migrants from leaving Russia separately. Those who receive citizenship must fulfill military service obligations and participate in military operations when needed. Over 30k individuals who refuse military service have already left the country, with 10k becoming participants in these operations, according to head of the FSB, Alexander Bortnikov.

Crime Politics

“Law Enforcement Agency Dismantles Illegal Armed Group in Special Operation, Arrests Active Member and Civilians Linked to Movement “Tavush is the Wall of Fatherland””

Law enforcement agency carries out special operation to dismantle illegal armed group. Arrests made, including active member and civilian participants. Charges involve intent to use violence against civilians. Acts not compliant with criteria for internal armed conflict.