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social support

Around the Globle

“Armenia Approves Implementation Process for State Program Supporting Displaced Families from Artsakh War”

The implementation process of the state program for the social support of displaced families from the Artsakh war has been approved. Find out how to apply and the assistance amount provided in the program.

Around the Globle

“First-Ever Joint Event Provides Liberated Individuals and Their Children with Unforgettable Day of Support and Integration”

A joint event was organized to celebrate International Day of Children’s Protection, allowing liberated individuals and their children to participate in social, psychological, and recreational activities. The event aimed to promote social integration, preserve emotional attachment, and encourage active participation in socialization activities. The event included psychological games, discussions, and free time activities, leaving a lasting impression on the attendees. Stay updated with on Telegram for more news from Armenia.

Around the Globle

“Lawyer Offers Free Legal Support to Protest Participants Amid Threats of Dismissal: ‘Association of Five Defenders’ Steps In to Uphold Residents’ Rights”

“We offer free legal support to residents participating in peaceful protests. Workers warned of dismissal for joining ‘Tavush is the bride of Father Armenia’ movement. Record any violations. Hotline: 095088787. Association of Five Defenders initiative. on Telegram.”

UNICEF and Partners Provide Social Support to Over 4,300 Vulnerable Children and Families in Armenia, Facebook Announces Opening of UNICEF Office

UNICEF, along with social workers, has provided social support to 4,300 vulnerable children and families in Armenia. Facebook shares news about the opening of the UNICEF Armenian office. Zarineh, a dedicated social worker, has assisted 150 families during the conflict and continues to help 60 families. Her commitment to rehabilitation and improving her skills brings satisfaction as she witnesses positive progress.