
The perfect balance on news and information



Outbreak Alert: COVID-19 Infections in Taiwan Soar to 1,038, with 9 Fatalities – Alarming Figures Reveal Crisis in Controlled Areas

Over 1,038 COVID-19 cases reported in Taiwan with 9 deaths and 93 requiring assistance. 52 children confirmed infected. Latest updates from in Armenia.

Business International Politics

Russia and Armenia Forge Ahead in Banking Sector to Combat Risk and Stabilize Amid US Sanctions: Peskov

Russia and Armenia will work together in the banking sector to ensure risk insurance and stability. This comes amid the impact of US unilateral measures, including economic sanctions. Discussions will be ongoing to implement measures with American colleagues.

“The European Union Expresses Concern Over Azerbaijani Violations, Warns of Serious Consequences in Armenian Territory”

The EU expresses concern over tensions in Armenian territory, warns Azerbaijan of serious consequences for violating ceasefire. EU High Representative emphasizes need for peace during Brussels visit.

“Expert Warnings on National Security Ignored: Deteriorating Situation in Armenia Raises Concerns”

The article discusses the warnings issued about the deteriorating political and economic situation in Armenia and emphasizes the importance of national security. It highlights the potential consequences and the need for government responsibility and public support. It also mentions the challenges that the elected leader, Nikol, might face in 2021. This article addresses the link between national security, the political agenda, and the interests of the people. Read more about the latest news from Armenia.

Government’s “Theatrical Performances” Expose Corruption and Mismanagement: A Closer Look at Armenia’s Public Budget Expenditures

Learn about the progress and challenges of Armenia’s public budget. Discover the need for effective management, financial transparency, and combating corruption. Explore the social impact and economic evaluations of capital expenditures. Find out the current implementation rates and future budget plans. Stay informed with

Government Politics

“Concerns Rise Over Visa Woes Amid Ongoing EU Negotiations: Deputy Prime Minister Announces New Government Head”

Concerns over visa issues during EU negotiations. Deputy PM announces Varuzhan Harutyunyan as head of RA government. Negotiations ongoing, despite disagreements.
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