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Education Government Local News

“Innovative Seminar in Gheghovit Empowers Community with Civil Defense Strategies and Live Shooting Demo”

Learn about the recent seminar in Gheghovit, Martuni. Discover civil defense tips and participate in practical exercises, including an electronic shooting demo.

Education Government

“UNICEF Partners with Yerevan Child-Youth Center No. 54 to Increase Electrical Safety Awareness”

Learn about electrical safety at a special seminar organized under UNICEF’s guidance. Gain unique theoretical knowledge to protect yourself. Don’t panic, follow the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Armenia.

Community Electrical Engineers Hold Special Seminar on Advertising, Marketing, Promotion, and Earthquake Preparedness in Vayots Dzor Region

Special seminar on advertising, marketing, promotion & principles of disaster management during earthquakes held in Vayots Dzor region. Conducted by community’s electrical engineers.