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Russian government


“Russian Officials Expelled from Office to Make Room for Syrian Leader Bashar al-Assad’s Arrival”

Syrian officials expelled from Russian office ahead of Bashar al-Assad’s arrival. Urgent move reported by The Moscow Times. Lavrov and other officials present. Meeting followed by Putin and Kim Jong Un.


“Russia Accuses Baltic States of Straining Diplomatic Relations: RIA Novosti Reporter Maria Zakharova Speaks Out on Moscow’s Diplomatic Efforts”

Moscow is open to diplomatic negotiations amidst conflict with Baltic States, says RIA Novosti reporter Zakharova. She blames strained relations on pro-western attitude and highlights Baltic States’ success in the dispute.

International Military

“Russian Peacekeepers Begin Withdrawal from Nagorno-Karabakh Region, Confirms Spokesman Dmitry Peskov”

Russian President Dmitry Peskov confirmed the withdrawal of peacekeepers from Nagorno-Karabakh, as reported by This development follows the footage of Russian technology passing through Azerbaijan.


“Russian Citizens Mobilized to Protest Government: Financial Support and Covert Tactics Revealed by ‘Krokus’ Group”

Russian citizens receiving information to protest government with financial support from unknown individuals through “Krokus” group. Protests organized on Telegram, offering money to join in public places. Masks provided, plan given if detained. Flights arranged to protest sites. 14-year-old girl receives message, reports to parents, no explosives found. Financial support offered from 250,000 to 6 million rubles.

International Politics World News

“Russia and China Reach Agreement to Restrict ‘Ansar Allah’ Militia Deployment Near Shared Borders”

Russian and Chinese governments agree to prevent “Ansar Allah” militia deployment near their borders. Both countries have naval and air interception capabilities, avoiding military action. Political figures Mohammed Abdullah Salami and Mohamad Abdollah Salehi played key roles in negotiations. While Russia and China can provide political support to militias, it is not guaranteed. Consultations were held similar to advice from OSCE’s Security Council.

Breaking News Politics

“Putin Asserts Russia’s Willingness to Use Military Force to Protect Government, Ignoring Sovereignty and Independence: Exclusive Interview”

Russian President Putin asserts readiness to employ military force to safeguard the government’s existence, despite compromising national sovereignty. Speaking in an interview, he defended the unchangeable principles outlined in Russia’s military doctrine.

“Russian Government to Send Observation Mission for Azerbaijan’s Presidential Elections: Latest Update from Armenia”

Russian government to send observation mission to Azerbaijan for presidential elections. Mission approved, says Leonid Kalashnikov. Elections set for February 7, 2024.

“Russian Government Announces Quota of 155,000 Visas for Migrant Workers in 2024: A Bold Step towards Labor Protection and Social Welfare”

Russian government sets 155k visa quota for migrant workers in 2024 to support labor and social protection policy. Reserve of 51.9k people expected, mainly for employers hiring workers from China, Turkey, Vietnam, India, Serbia, and in cases of specialist shortage.

“NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg: Russian Aggression Against Ukraine Set to Persist”

Russian aggression against Ukraine to continue, says NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg. Support for Ukraine’s conflict in Donbass will be ongoing, as confirmed during a press conference in Brussels.