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restrictive measures


“Russia Strikes Back: Imposes Sanctions on Chinese and Turkish Companies in Reciprocal Move”

Russia imposes sanctions on 19 Chinese and 9 Turkish companies to counteract reciprocal restrictions. EU’s High Representative announces the measures targeting company activities.

Crime Law & Order

“Armenia Ministry of Internal Affairs reveals alarming surge in violations, including cases of violence and theft”

From March 29 to April 1, a total of 197 violations of restrictive measures in Armenia were identified. These include cases of physical violence, theft, drug trafficking, fraud, and more. Additionally, there were 27 road accidents in the past 3 days, resulting in 2 fatalities and 38 injuries.

“US Cracks Down on Iran and North Korea with Tough New Sanctions: Terror Connections and Cyber Espionage in the Crosshairs”

The US imposes sanctions on Iran and North Korea due to terrorism and cyber espionage connections. US Senator criticizes Biden’s foreign policy in the Middle East, citing attacks on American interests. Armenia seeks clarification from US Ambassador on actions in the Karabakh region.