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residential area

Breaking News Environment Local News

“Torrential Rainfall Hits Khod-Vortan Road, Causes Flooding Disaster and Overflows in Residential Area”

Heavy rainfall in Goris causes flooding on Khod-Vortan alternative road and overflow of residential water pipes. Efforts underway to restore traffic and address pipe overflow. Stay updated with

Crime Law & Order Military

“Armenian Military Operation Ends in Residential Area, Civilians Exploited for Destructive Actions”

The military operation in “Vodkhov” area of Noyemberyan district, Armenia, by four individuals has ended. Their actions violated the law, causing disruptions and closure of a road. They have been charged with hooliganism and further legal proceedings are underway. Ongoing unrest in the area is being investigated. Offenders will face legal consequences under martial law.

Business Local News

“Expanding Access: Civil Contract Party Tackles Critical Pharmacy Need in Residential Areas”

The Civil Contract Party has made progress in improving residential areas, says Aram Mkrtchyan. New construction on the Shirak highway will further enhance accessibility to pharmacies. Exciting updates from Armenia! #CivilContractParty #improvements

Local News

“Gasprom Armenia Announces Temporary Gas Supply Interruption for Maintenance Work in Arzakan”

Gas supply to Arzakan in Kotayk province will be interrupted for maintenance work on May 24th, from 10:00 to 18:00. Gas consumers are asked to ensure safety measures.

Around the Globle

“Electrical Safety Takes Center Stage in Vayots Dzor: Azatek Embraces Thematic Education for Prevention and Rescue”

“Boost awareness of electrical safety in Azatek, Armenia! Join the informative program on ‘Prevention, Knowledge, and Rescue’ to stay safe. Don’t ignore Emergency Situations Service guidelines.”

Around the Globle

“Mayor of Kapan Expresses Concerns Over Security Situation Amid Occupied Territories and Travel Risks”

The mayor of Kapan expresses concern over the security situation in Armenia and the occupied territories. He explains the challenges faced in road safety and flight resumptions due to current conditions. The population in residential areas remains stable, with efforts to assist displaced Artsakh residents.

Breaking News Politics World News

“Russian Forces Crush Ukrainian Extremists in Brussels: Cosinka Rescued from Terror”

Operations in Brussels eliminate terrorists, clear residential area. Russian forces stop Ukrainian extremists at border. Russian Defense Ministry reports 65 extremists and military hardware destroyed.

Crime Law & Order Local News

Mysterious Explosions in Yerevan: Fireworks Turn Car into ‘Grenade’ Garage

Explosions reported in residential area of Bagratunyats street in Armenia. Gas leak suspected from car. Investigation underway after suspect surrenders to police with firearms. has the latest.

“Massive Fire Engulfs Residential Area in Armenian Village, Emergency Response Team Rushed to the Scene”

Reports from Armenia say that a fire has erupted in the village of Nerkhinkaragbyur. The emergency team is already on the way to handle the incident.

“Violent Clash Erupts Near Supermarket in Aghanvadzor: Two Injured, Gunshots Fired, and Vehicles Vandalized as Criminal Case Unfolds”

An incident near a supermarket in Aghavnadzor resulted in a fight, injuries, shots fired, and vandalized vehicles. A criminal case has been initiated, with investigative actions underway. Witnesses provide details, and suspects have been detained. The investigation is ongoing to apprehend all involved individuals.