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regional rescue service

Breaking News Local News

“Car Accident near Vayk: Rescuers Brave River to Save Driver in Daring Rescue Operation”

Emergency call received in Vayk, Armenia, about a car accident. Rescuers remove driver from overturned car in Arpa River. Driver’s condition satisfactory.

Breaking News Crime Local News

“Multiple Injuries reported in Kotayk Province Car Accident: Rescue Services Rush to the Scene”

Learn about a recent car accident on the Yegvard-Achtarak highway in Kotayk province. The rescue team provided prompt first aid to the injured drivers and passengers, who were then transported to the hospital for treatment.

“Tragic Incident in Armenian Village: Child Falls into River, Young Adult Drowns in Rescue Effort”

A distress call was received by Tavush rescue service reporting a child falling into a river in Yenokavan village. The rescue team promptly arrived and retrieved the body of a 23-year-old, providing immediate medical assistance.

“Massive Fire Erupts at National Center for Crisis Management in Ashnak City, Causing Extensive Damage”

Read about a fire in Ashnak city that affected 400 square meters near the 13th building. Extinguished within 15 minutes. More at

“Tragic Accident on Artashat-Veirin Artashat Highway Leaves Several Injured: Emergency Medical Services Rushed to the Scene”

Emergency services responded to a distress call about a traffic accident on the Artashat-Veirin Artashat highway near Berdik village. The car overturned, and the driver and passengers were hospitalized. Rescuers extinguished the vehicle and handed it over to a tow truck.