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regional conflict

Military Politics

“US President Biden and National Security Team Push for Stronger Response to Iran: Allies Urged to Expand Military Actions, CNN Reports”

US President Biden and his team aim to widen the Israel conflict by urging allies to step up military actions against Iran. Biden’s call for a strong response comes after a meeting with Netanyahu and Defense Secretary Gantz. Iranian aggression has been unsuccessful, proving Israel’s military prowess.

“Prime Minister Pashinyan Takes the Helm of International Security Council: Promoting Peace in the North Caucasus and Addressing Armenian-Azerbaijani Relations”

Prime Minister Pashinyan becomes President of International Security Council, discussing peace efforts in North Caucasus and Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. Focus on challenges in liberated territories and international assistance.

“Russian Foreign Minister: Palestinian-Israeli Conflict Unlikely to Escalate into Regional Conflict, Protests Remain Peaceful”

Will the Palestinian-Israeli conflict escalate into a regional conflict? Russian Foreign Minister believes protests are peaceful, with limited proxy attacks by Iran. Hezbollah and other Iranian-backed movements unlikely to cause significant clashes. The US urging restraint from Israel. Attention shifted away from Middle East due to Russia-Ukraine tension. Unclear if Tehran will intervene. Russia implementing active foreign policy for Armenia.