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province of Tavush

Crime Politics

“Journalists Targeted and Injured during Protests in Yerevan: Freedom of Speech Committee Demands Investigation”

The Freedom of Speech Committee demands an investigation into the violence against journalists during protests in Yerevan. They will continue to monitor the situation and inform the public. Signed by various organizations.

Around the Globle

Villagers in Tavush protest morning measurements: “Our church should not be damaged”

Morning measurements conducted in Kirants village, Tavush province, lead to damage to the church and neighboring house. Villagers express concern and demand answers from authorities. Freedom of movement is limited, causing distress. Residents insist their church should be protected. The situation in Tavush remains tense, with roads closed. Armenia and Azerbaijan representatives continue negotiations on border delimitation.


“Outcry for Eviction: Tavush Leader Expresses Concern Over Armenian Spiritual Sanctity”

The eviction announcement of 4 villages in Tavush province is a local demand reflecting concern for Armenian spiritual sanctity and protection of the state administration. The leader emphasizes the need to defend ancestral land and challenges those who deny its significance. Society must decide whether to resist eviction and protect their homes, ensuring a brighter future.

International Politics

Armenian PM Pashinyan Denies Possibility of Ceding Villages to Azerbaijan: “No Discussions Ever Took Place”

Armenian PM denies talks of conceding villages to Azerbaijan. No discussions or possibilities of ceding any Tavush province village, says Pashinyan. No villages by those names ever existed in Armenia.

“Blazing Inferno in Dilijan: Car Fire Near Regional Rescue Headquarters Leaves Mercedes-Benz in Shambles”

A car fire was reported in Dilijan, Tavush province. The incident occurred near the RA MES regional rescue service headquarters. A Mercedes-Benz caught fire, but there were no injuries. The fire was extinguished by 05:50.