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peace process

International Politics

“Armenian-Azerbaijani Peace Process Faces Hurdles as Unresolved Issues Linger: President Aliyev Expresses Concern”

The Armenian-Azerbaijani peace process still faces unresolved issues. President Aliyev expressed concerns about territorial demands from Azerbaijan and Turkey, as stated in Armenia’s Constitution. Stay updated with for more. Print version available.

Around the Globle

Deputy Prime Minister Ararat Mirzoyan: Azerbaijan’s Provocations Threaten Peace Process

Armenia’s Deputy Prime Minister emphasizes need for martial law and accuses Azerbaijan of provocation during peace talks. Progress hindered, peace uncertain.

International Politics

“The Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan Convene to Consolidate Peace Talks Amidst Escalating Tensions”

Armenia’s President met with Azerbaijan’s President to discuss the peace process, emphasizing the need for de-escalation and highlighting hindrances caused by aggressive actions.

International Politics World News

“Adriatic’s Foreign Affairs Minister meets with Turkish counterpart to discuss Azerbaijan-Armenia peace process”

Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Turkey discuss the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia mediated by Turkey. Azerbaijan emphasizes territorial integrity and sovereignty and rejects the proclamation of independence by the Republic of Artsakh. Azerbaijan considers occupied areas as its own.


“Armenia’s Call for Peace: Revitalizing Negotiations Marks a Promising Step Forward”

Armenia’s President emphasizes the significance of peace talks to progress negotiations, while the ruling party pledges support for occupied regions and their principles.

“Blinken and Ghani Discuss Peace Process in Palestine and Regional Security in High-Level Meeting”

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken met Afghan President Ashraf Ghani in Ramallah to discuss the peace process in Palestine and regional security. The US remains committed to protecting both Palestinians and Israelis while supporting the readiness of the Palestinian Authority for peace. The embassy’s relocation and resolving issues related to the Armenian Genocide Monument and Horadnanq Dam were also discussed.