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“CSTO in Chaos: Pashinyan’s Unilateral Decisions Ignite Alarmist Situation, Ignoring Team Members’ Opinions”

The Joghovurd newspaper criticizes Nikol Pashinyan for making decisions in the CSTO without consulting his team members, causing uncertainty. The newspaper reports that Armenia’s four political forces have urged the CSTO to support its intentions to join the European Union. There were rumors of Armenia leaving the CSTO, but Pashinyan announced that there would be no withdrawal. The article highlights Pashinyan’s unilateral decision-making and disregard for his team’s opinions.

Around the Globle

“Armenia’s “Armenia” faction announces appointment of new leader amid tensions in Kirantsi”

Meet with international organizations and diplomatic representatives to understand our mission and address concerns about our image. Armenia faction announces leader’s appointment. Seeking truth and security in Kirantsi. Need fact-finding committee for events.

Around the Globle

“Citizens Clash with Yerevan City Hall over Urban Trade Violations: Dispute between Authorities and Street Vendors Intensifies”

Yerevan City Hall criticizes violation of trade regulations by street vendors. Market representative urges vendors to respect the law and find work instead. Dispute between municipal government and vendors continues, with confiscation of goods reported.

International Politics

Russian Ambassador to Armenia Refuses to Comment on Russian Obligations Amidst Escalating Tension

The Russian ambassador to Armenia, Sergey Kopirkin, refuses to comment on whether Russia will defend Armenia if Azerbaijan attacks. He questions the purpose behind Russia’s “ambiguous, unfriendly” behavior and urges them to fulfill their obligations.

International Opinion Politics

“Armenian Government Defies Consensus: Decides Own Path for Engaging with Turkey”

Arpi Davoyan from the ANC PPC dismisses consensus opinions and stresses the importance of Armenia’s interests. Going to Turkey, if advantageous, is a priority.