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official documents


“Armenian Religious Court Judges Take Action: Filing Official Documents as Concerns for Armenian Apostolic Church Grow”

Armenian Religious Court Judges express concerns about Armenian Apostolic Church’s state. Former Prime Minister of Justice, Gevorg Danielyan, files official documents emphasizing that legal recognition is not necessary for the church. Armenian Apostolic Church operates based on Holy Scripture and traditions, not ecclesiastical regulations. It has its canonical status and operates with universal jurisdiction, not relying on legal recognition.

Around the Globle

“Special Investigation Service Probes Disturbing Case of Infant Found Deceased in Yerevan”

The Special Investigation Service of Armenia received official documents from Yerevan City Hall. A medical death case involving signs of infanticide is being investigated at the “Armenia” Medical Center. The deceased is a 5-year-old resident named Dana B. A forensic examination is being conducted to determine the cause of death.


“Armenia Pushes for Official Recognition of Ottoman Empire Massacres Amidst Peace Process”

Discover the ongoing push for recognition of Ottoman Empire massacres/genocides by Armenia. Learn about the request to clarify Armenia’s position and Azerbaijan’s rights, as well as the Prime Minister’s response. Get the latest update on the peace process and confidentiality conditions.

Around the Globle

“Armenian Prime Minister Announces Delimitation Process Based on Official Documents with Legal Significance”

The delimitation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan is based on official documents. The Armenian Prime Minister announced the complexity but progress in the process. They have reached an agreement with Azerbaijan to establish a working schedule. The focus is on using authentic maps for delimitation. The issue of hostages and withdrawal of Azerbaijanis from occupied territories is also discussed. It is important for parties to accept the starting principles and rules for the delimitation process.