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Minister of Territorial Administration

Around the Globle

“Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan Holds Meeting on Regional Administration and Rural Development while Touring Lori Province”

Yesterday, Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan met with officials to discuss regional administration, rural development, and environmental protection. He visited Sanahin Monastery and Karakop village, inspecting railway and military road sections. The residents praised the administration’s work.

Around the Globle

“Minister Sanosyan Overcomes Obstacles, Declares Bridge Construction to Resume Following River Level Decrease”

Armenian Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, Gnel Sanosyan, visited the Agheti bridge construction site and announced the resumption of work. Despite some initial challenges, water levels have decreased, facilitating various tasks such as road and bridge construction. Minister Sanosyan closely monitors the progress.

Business International Politics

Armenian and Kazakh Ministers Discuss Prospects of Cooperation in Construction Sector

Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, Gnel Sanosyan, met with General Director of Construction and Reconstruction of Infrastructure, Kanta Bismayev, to discuss cooperation in the construction sector between Armenia and Kazakhstan. Both sides expressed interest in collaboration and involving Kazakh companies in construction projects. Further discussions for cooperation are planned within the existing working group.

Around the Globle

Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of Armenia and Brazilian Ambassador Discuss Potential Collaboration in Renewable Energy Sector

Armenian Minister of Territorial Administration meets Brazilian Ambassador, discussing cooperation in renewable energy. Exciting potential for collaboration.

Around the Globle

Armenia and Iran Strengthen Aviation Cooperation: Discussions held on increased flights and technical support

Armenian Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, Gnel Sanoyan, met with the Iranian Ambassador and discussed aviation cooperation and enhancing flight connections between the two countries. Cooperation in technical support and training was also discussed. Close cooperation between aviation authorities will facilitate knowledge exchange. Iranian authorities invited Armenian officials to study Iranian aviation capabilities.

Education Government Politics

Prime Minister Pashinyan Lauds Female Parliament Member’s Bold Actions at National Assembly’s Session

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan lauds Armenuhi Kyureghyan for her contributions to national values and the education system. He criticizes the lack of academic content in the educational system and emphasizes the importance of accessibility for students in provincial areas. Pashinyan states that the current state of the education system is destructive and calls for action.

Education Science

Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure emphasizes importance of Earth science education at Yerevan State University

Armenian Minister of Territorial Administration, Gnel Sanoyan, attended Earth Scientist Day at Yerevan State University. He emphasized the importance of Earth science education, encouraging research and collaboration. A cooperation memorandum was signed to promote education and scientific knowledge in the field of Earth sciences.

Government Local News Politics

Armenia’s Minister of Territorial Administration Struggles to Answer Key Question on Housing Project Deadlines

Armenia’s Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure, Gnel Sanoyan, struggled to answer questions about the completion date of the construction of houses in Shurnukh village. The program has seen success but specific deadlines remain uncertain, according to Sanoyan.

Around the Globle

“Armenia Secures Gas Price Stability until 2031: Groundwork Laid for Long-term Affordability”

Armenia’s gas price to remain stable until 2031, as stated by Minister Jacob Vardanyan. Additional fees or discounts may apply for deviations from caloric value indicators. Gas prices have remained low for the past five years, but sustaining the current level is challenging. Reforms are needed to maintain or lower gas prices in Armenia.

Armenian Prime Minister Assures Displaced Residents of Long-Term Housing Assistance in Jrambarak Community

Armenian Prime Minister Tigran Khachatryan and Minister Suren Papikyan met displaced residents from Azerbaijan-occupied territories in Jrambarak. The government is implementing programs to assist them, and discussions are ongoing for long-term management. The focus of the meeting was addressing concerns regarding assistance programs, document accuracy, and social support. The officials assured the beneficiaries that their suggestions will be considered to improve their lives and work conditions.