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Environment Local News

“Water Supply Temporarily Suspended in Malatia-Sebastia District of Yerevan: Veolia Jur Apologizes for Inconvenience”

Water supply in Malatia-Sebastia district of Yerevan, including various streets and buildings, will be temporarily suspended on May 29, 10:00 AM – May 30, 10:00 AM. Veolia Jur apologizes for the inconvenience and appreciates customers’ patience. Stay updated with on Telegram.

“Prime Minister Avinyan Takes Action to Ensure Air Quality in Construction Areas of Yerevan”

Last week, air quality measurements were conducted in Yerevan, including the Central administrative district, Malatia-Sebastia, and Nor Norq. Prime Minister Avinyan expressed concern over the Ministry of Urban Development’s communication with constructors regarding air quality checks. Avinyan emphasized the importance of obtaining accurate information through specialized equipment to monitor pollution in industrial construction areas.

“Controversy and Concerns Surround New Mayor Appointment in Malatia-Sebastia District, Armenia”

Romik Mkhitarian, head of the Malatia-Sebastia district, introduced Arman Pambukhchyan as the new mayor. Some staff members are dissatisfied with the changes, fearing illegal actions.