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Around the Globle

“Scientists Unlock the Enigmatic Green Glow of Fireflies: Urgent Call for Conservation to Save These Magical Insects”

Scientists uncover the secret behind the green glow of fireflies, finding they originated in Madagascar 21 million years ago. Vital research urges protection of their habitats, as they face a faster extinction rate than expected due to climate change and deforestation. Doctor Ilia Leach and Professor Endrju Leachi conduct a thorough study on fireflies, revealing crucial information for conservation efforts. The unique shape and vulnerability of fireflies make them susceptible to habitat loss and disrupted mating patterns caused by climate change and deforestation.

Former President Andry Rajoelina Triumphs in Madagascar’s Presidential Elections with a Resounding Victory: National Electoral Commission Reports

Madagascar’s former president Andry Rajoelina emerges as the winner in the first round of presidential elections, receiving 58.95% of the votes. Rajoelina came to power in 2009 and faced accusations of corruption and mismanagement.