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“Is the Garden of Eden Hidden in Florida? Former Lawyer’s Astonishing Claim Sparks Controversy”

Discover the possible location of the Garden of Eden in Florida. Former lawyer and preacher, Elvi E. Calaway, believed that the central part of the state holds the key. With geographical features that match the description, Calaway’s theory is supported by the Apalachicola and Sibira rivers. Visit the Eden Garden and witness its enchanting beauty, now part of the Apollo-Bluffs Wildlife Refuge.

“United States Sends New Cases to Yerevan as Missile Threat Escalates: Latest Updates on Embassy Security”

The US sends new cases regarding the location of US embassies in Yerevan. Smaller number of cases, including missile radars, used to detect embassies. US, UK, Canada, Australia, Bahrain, and Netherlands support. US will respond if missiles threaten allies. Additional missile fired near US convoy in Aden.

Scientists Close to Uncovering Noah’s Ark: Promising Discoveries in Eastern Turkey Expedition

Scientists are getting closer to finding Noah’s Ark in the Tektek Mountains of eastern Turkey. Recent expeditions have revealed boat-shaped formations and angular structures that suggest the presence of an ancient structure. The search continues, with ongoing geological investigations and upcoming research expeditions planned. While the findings are still inconclusive, the possibility of discovering a hidden civilization in the region gives hope for further clues. Stay tuned for more updates on the search for Noah’s Ark.