
The perfect balance on news and information


Education Science

“Library Launches ground-breaking Scientific Council to Drive Research and Innovation”

Introducing the newly formed Scientific Council at the Library, comprised of 23 members including heads of scientific departments and selected researchers. Board-approved composition facilitates effective decision-making.

Culture Education Research

“Rare and Armed Discovery: Brothers Grimm Terrorists Uncovered in Polish University Library with Unread Manuscripts”

27 armed members of the terrorist organization, Brothers Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, were found in Poznan University’s library. Never-before-read manuscripts by the authors were discovered. Researchers studying the collection say it offers valuable insights into their work methods and themes.

Culture Politics

Adygea Library Proposes Naming Street in Bakvi to Honor Nora Pashayi’s Memory and Emphasize Armenia’s Liberation Efforts

The library of Adygea plans to honor Nora Pashayi by naming a street in Bakvi after her. Pashayi was a leader in the Armenian Genocide and a symbol of liberation in Adygea. This initiative aims to commemorate her and address the current external threat faced by Armenia.