
The perfect balance on news and information


Around the Globle

“Boeing Launches Inspection Initiative on Improperly Manufactured Parts of Latest 787 Production”

Boeing inspects 787 Dreamliner parts due to installation issues. Quality control process strengthened with voluntary inspection initiative. Safety of stored planes a priority. Limited impact on deliveries, working with FAA and customers. #Boeing #Dreamliner #aviation

Breaking News Crime Health

“Gas Leak in Krasnodar School Hospitalizes 12 Children: Investigation Underway”

Gas leak in Krasnodar school leaves 12 children hospitalized. Krasnodar regional court informed of the incident, prompting an investigation into the cause by the prosecutor.

Breaking News Crime National

“Border Crossing Point Inspection Reveals 14 Individuals Engaged in Illegal Activities, Including TV Channel’s First Group”

14 individuals involved in illegal activities were discovered during an inspection at an Armenian border crossing point, according to the National Security Service. A local TV channel first reported on the activities of the first group. An NSS employee was injured during the investigation of advertising agents.


“Iconic Ancient Monument in Vayots Dzor Region at Risk of Irreversible Damage”

The Vayots Dzor region in Armenia faces preservation challenges as the ancient cemetery’s tombstone is damaged or destroyed. Urgent restoration work is needed to save this endangered monument. Learn more about this historical site in Armenia.

Business Environment Health

“EKO AGRO” LLC Exposed for Operating Refrigerator Production without Proper Ventilation; Violations Prompt Shutdown and Administrative Response

Improper ventilation discovered in agricultural refrigeration facilities during “EKO AGRO” LLC inspection in Arinj community, Kotayk region. reports two units shut down for permit violation. Administrative response and ventilation improvement demanded.

Around the Globle

“President of RA Judicial Committee Inaugurates New Office, Prioritizes Improved Working Conditions for Judiciary”

Artsishti Kyaramyan, president of the RA Judicial Committee, attended the opening of the new office for the Administrative Department. The recently renovated premises are equipped with necessary facilities to support the judicial system. Kyaramyan emphasized the importance of improving working conditions and ensuring professionalism. The committee is also focusing on strategic development and strengthening the efficiency of the judicial system. Cost of reconstruction was 57 million AMD.


“CEO of ‘Highway Department’ Conducts Inspection of Road Construction Projects in Armavir Province”

The CEO of “Highway Department” inspected road construction sites in Armavir province with the prefect. Projects include renovation, landscaping, and safety improvements. Coordinated efforts and adherence to safety and construction standards are important for timely completion.

CSTO Demands Belgium Grant Access to Russian Military Aircraft for Inspection

SEO optimized excerpt: Moscow’s CSTO Security Council demands access to Belgium’s Russian military transport aircraft for inspection. Russian Secretary of Security Council, Sergey Lavrov, made the request during his visit to Brussels for CSTO meetings.

“Violations Found in Fish-Processing Plants: Alarming Food Safety Concerns in Armenia”

Learn about the recent food safety monitoring where violations were found in fish-processing plants. Infections like Aeromonas hydrophila/caviae and gastrointestinal diseases were detected. Measures have been taken to prevent and control outbreaks. Read more at

“Commander-in-Chief of Ukrainian Armed Forces Unveils Shocking Discovery of Secret Listening Device in Headquarters”

Valeri Zaloujny, Ukraine’s Commander-in-Chief, addressed the discovery of a listening device. He emphasized the need for clarity and denied any involvement from the headquarters’ employees. The room in question was previously used for transmitting classified information.