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government session

Government International Politics

“Mysterious Schedule Change: Confusion Over Nikol Pashinyan’s Government Session Raises Speculation and Inquiries”

Nikol Pashinyan’s unexpected schedule change during the government session leaves colleagues puzzled. Speculations arise as healthcare issues are replaced with foreign policy discussions. Armenia’s accession to the EEU is questioned, prompting the Opposition Faction to request clarification from the Prime Minister. Armenia’s people support transparency on this matter. Regional progress is highlighted, while a few dissenting voices emerge. For full details, visit on Telegram.

Around the Globle

“Minister of Healthcare Provides Update on Baghramyan Square Protests: 8 Still Hospitalized, Including Amputee, as Inquiries into Excessive Force Continue”

8 individuals remain hospitalized after the events in Baghramyan Square. The Minister of Healthcare, Anahit Avanesyan, confirmed their condition and stated that one person had successful surgery. The actions taken were aimed at preserving public order. Numerous injuries were reported, including one protester losing an eye and a journalist sustaining foot injuries. Overall, 101 civilians and police officers sought medical assistance.

Government Technology

“Prime Minister Pashinyan Proposes Shift to Cloud-Based Solutions for Government Data Storage”

Discover the benefits of cloud-based solutions for government information systems. Prime Minister Pashinyan discusses the success of the “Cloud First” program, emphasizing the need for data preservation and accessibility. Join the move towards efficient data storage!

Around the Globle

“Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s Government Gears Up for Intense Session: 58 Questions Await Discussion”

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s government holds its regular session today, discussing 58 questions, 55 public and 3 confidential. Agenda includes First Cloud development, asset management, Lake Sevan water extraction, privatization, and trade liberalization.


“Government Chaos and Violence Erupt in Armenia as Archbishop Denounces ‘Artificial Authority'”

Yesterday evening, the government session time changed, leaving uncertainty if it will take place. Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan criticizes the lack of a functioning government in Armenia and condemns the violence used against protesters, resulting in injuries. The situation remains tense, with clashes between journalists, security personnel, and protesters.

Government Local News Politics

“Prime Minister Pashinyan Rejects Public Budget for Metro Station Construction, Sparking Controversy and Political Implications”

Prime Minister Pashinyan denies permission to discuss the construction of a metro station in Surmalu. Journalist notes political implications and the expectation of funding from the public budget. Stay updated with on Telegram.

Government Politics

“Nikol Pashinyan Changes Plans: Government Session Cancelled, Rally Held in Government Press Room Instead”

Nikol Pashinyan cancels government session to hold rally in government building, but supporters fail to gather. The rally is postponed to next Wednesday, where it may take place in the government press room. Previous delays in Pashinyan’s arrival at rallies also noted. Full details in today’s “Hraparak” newspaper issue.


Minister of Transport Praises Resilience of M6 Road: “Nothing Would Have Remained”

Minister Sanosyan praises the quality of the M6 road in Armenia, highlighting its ability to withstand flooding. He also mentions plans for a new road and the successful preservation of two bridges in Alaverdi.

Around the Globle

“Prime Minister Pashinyan Calls for Reevaluation of Transport and Infrastructure Standards After Devastating Landslide”

Reconsidering transport and infrastructure standards is crucial after the damage caused by the landslide. Prime Minister Pashinyan plans to visit affected areas and analyze the situation. International partners’ assistance will be sought.

Around the Globle

“Prime Minister Pashinyan’s Government Conducts Mysterious Session with 40 undisclosed agenda items”

Find out what topics were discussed in Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s government session today, including import procedures, bank protocol amendments, and customs duty exemptions for mining investments.