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Goris community

Around the Globle

“Goris Community Head, Arush Arushanyan, Inspects Progress of Under-Construction Tumanyan Street and Engages with Residents for Valuable Input”

The head of Goris community visited the under-construction Tumanyan street. The community is working to complete the reconstruction quickly and with high quality. The project includes updating sidewalks, lighting, and green areas. Other streets in Goris are being renovated to make the city more attractive and comfortable.

Around the Globle

“Locust Invasion Devastates Goris Community, Resulting in 196 Million Drams Loss and Mounting Challenges for Agriculture”

The Goris community in Syunik province has suffered a loss of 196 million drams due to a locust infestation. The villages of Goris, Kharja, Vortan, and Hartashen have been most affected, with Vortan experiencing a 100% loss in harvest. Other crops, such as wheat, barley, alfalfa, potatoes, and beans, have also been affected. The community continues to address damages to residential premises, vehicles, and solar power systems. Locust infestations have been reported in several other regions as well, potentially impacting local market prices.