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Culture International Local News

“Goris Community Leader and France’s Ambassador Discuss Bilateral Cooperation and New Projects”

Goris community leader Arush Arushanyan meets France’s Ambassador Olivier Decor to discuss bilateral cooperation and new projects. They visit a construction site in Vienna, which involves infrastructure renovation and improvement. A leisure area for citizens will emerge once the construction is finished. A concert will also be held at the French ambassador’s residence. Stay updated with Armenia news on Telegram. Translated by [Your Name].

Around the Globle

“Locust Invasion Devastates Goris Community, Resulting in 196 Million Drams Loss and Mounting Challenges for Agriculture”

The Goris community in Syunik province has suffered a loss of 196 million drams due to a locust infestation. The villages of Goris, Kharja, Vortan, and Hartashen have been most affected, with Vortan experiencing a 100% loss in harvest. Other crops, such as wheat, barley, alfalfa, potatoes, and beans, have also been affected. The community continues to address damages to residential premises, vehicles, and solar power systems. Locust infestations have been reported in several other regions as well, potentially impacting local market prices.

Environment Government Local News

“Judicial Department Employees Join Forces with Administrative Staff for Environmental Conservation in Armenia’s Pristine Nature Reserves”

Judicial Dept. employees, along with admin staff, participated in joint work organized by regional admin, helping in nature reserves. News from Armenia.

Around the Globle

“Concerts and Controversies: Georg Gevorgyan’s Move to Yerevan Sparks Demand for Change”

Georg Gevorgyan’s concerts in Goris have moved to Yerevan. A concert participant had an accident and underwent surgeries at Astghik Medical Center. The request to transfer the case to Yerevan was denied. Efforts are being made for the concerts to be held in Yerevan to allow full participation. The parents of fallen soldiers in Artsakh face financial and personal struggles in Goris. The incident involving the soldiers’ deaths resulted from a command decision. The bodies of the soldiers were found after 1 year and 3 months. Georg Gevorgyan’s case is still ongoing.

“The COAF SMART Center in Goris: A Multi-Faceted Hub of Opportunities for Children and Young People”

The COAF SMART Center in Goris, built by the “Children of Armenia Fund” foundation, will offer a wide range of educational, cultural, sports, and agricultural activities. With over 6,000 beneficiaries, the center will provide opportunities for diverse programs, counseling services, and workshops conducted by international experts. The center’s construction will be guided by both international and local architects to preserve Goris’ unique landscape. Transportation, renovation of the football field, playgrounds, and infrastructure improvements are also included in the program.