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Garunik Danielyan

Around the Globle

“Human Rights Violated: Syunik’s Inhabitants Suffer Under Military State Policy”

The basic human rights of Syunik inhabitants have been violated due to military state policy. Garunik Danielyan’s visit reveals safety concerns and a sense of nostalgia. Stay updated with


“Leader of ‘Armenia’ Group Affirms Unstoppable Momentum as Movement Gains Traction”

“The movement continues despite people stopping, as nothing can deter our path,” announces Garunik Danielyan, leader of “Armenia” group. Our nation’s difficulties require us to strive towards our goals relentlessly, and we will achieve them at any cost. Danielyan emphasizes that only Armenians are involved in the movement, with numerous supporters from villages and towns offering their assistance.

Around the Globle

“Garunik Danielyan’s Heroic Journey: Overcoming Physical Forces to Reach Isolated Residents of Kirants Despite Military Obstacles”

Garunik Danielyan overcame physical forces to reach Kirants, Tavush. The military blocked access to the village, but Danielyan managed to pass. The enemy attacked, preventing residents from crossing the road. The resistance force is near. The Artsakh Defense Army is conducting operations in Kirants-Kheyrimal area. Roads are closed and journalists are not allowed entry.

Around the Globle

“Human Rights Advocates Visit Injured Deputy Minister and Monitor Protests Amidst Road Closures”

Human rights advocate Anahit Manasyan and representatives of the Human Rights Defender’s Office visited the November Medical Center to meet with Deputy Minister of Healthcare Garunik Danielyan. Danielyan, who was injured during a protest, is now discharged and planning to join processions in Kajaran. Rapid response teams from the Ombudsman’s Office are monitoring the situation and protecting the rights of protesters. Today’s protests have taken place in 29 cities, with road closures in various locations including Yerevan and the province of Tavush. Stay updated with news from Armenia on